Running the DXdumpdb utility with the "-z" parameter, instructs the utility to dump from a dumped DXgrid datastore image, not the live DXgrid datastore. This techdoc will explain the correct way to run the DXdumpdb utility with the "-z" parameter.
When a DSA or a new datastore is created, by default the resulting DXgrid datastore files will appear in the $DXHOME/data folder (for Unix/Linux) or %DXHOME%\data(for Windows) as:
If the DXdumpdb command was run against this live datastore with the "-z" parameter the following would occur:
Command: dxdumpdb -z {dsaName}
Response: Cannot open attribute file 'C:/Program Files/CA/Directory/dxserver/data/{dsaName}.zat'
The reason that the DXdumpdb utility generated this error is due to the fact that the utility is looking for an online dump copy of the DXgrid datastore.
An online dump of a DXgrid datastore can be performed in one of two ways:
Interactive Dump
To perform an interactive dump of a DXgrid datastore you need to connect to the DSA's console port and issue the command "dump dxgrid-db;". Find the step-by step process below:
Welcome to the DSA Management Console
dsa> dump dxgrid-db;
Starting dump
Dump started
Scheduled Dump
After the dump has finished, you will see a notification in the DSA's WARN log notifying you that the dump has finished.
[2640] 20090312.113324.539 WARN : Dump started
[2640] 20090312.113324.742 WARN : Dump completed, 0 fragments
Now that the dump has completed, you will find a new set of DXgrid files in the same folder as your live DXgrid datastore (unless you have defined the dxgrid-backup-db-location setting to identify a different location for the dump dxgrid-db command). These files will have a ".z" file extension. They should appear as:
Once the ".z" dump files exist, you can now run the DXdumpdb command with the "-z" parameter. e.g.
Command: dxdumpdb -z {dsaName}
Output: version: 1
dn: o=Democorp,c=au
objectClass: organization
o: Democorp
createTimestamp: 20090312005456.070Z
Please Note: the DXdumpdb command can write it's LDIF contents to a file if you specify the "-f" parameter. e.g.
Command: dxdumpdb -f {dsaName}.ldif -z {dsaName}