How to analyze a CICS storage violation captured by CA SymDump System? How to find the transaction which caused CICS storage violation?
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How to analyze a CICS storage violation captured by CA SymDump System? How to find the transaction which caused CICS storage violation?


Article ID: 54007


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch



You can find the transaction ID causing the storage violation in the Task Storage Summary.
It is indicated by StgV.
The CICS Summary Report lists all the active transactions. Normally your transaction would be listed here and this is where you would find it.


In some cases the transaction is not listed in the CICS Summary Report, it is possible that the transaction ended and the storage violation was found after the termination of the transaction (e.g. during storage cleanup).
Then you have to look at the CICS trace entries to find this transaction.

There is a parameter for the CADVTGEN macro used to generate the options table, which specifies how many blocks to allocate for the CICS trace table - TRACLIM=. The default is 200.
It is possible that the TRACLIM is not large enough to show the transaction causing the storage violation.
To increase the TRACLIM, change it in the CADVTABL member located in the PPOPTIONS library and apply the USERMOD as outlined in Appendix A of the Getting Started Guide. You must then restart CA SymDump System using program DV70INIT for the new value to take affect. Then you should be able to find the transaction in the CICS trace.

Is the maximum CICS Formatted Trace Block Limit and specifies the maximum number of blocks from the CICS trace? CA SymDump System will format, when viewing a CICS dump. The entire trace is captured,. This controls how many will be formatted during dump view.


Component: SYMSYS