What is the recommended method to share the LIBRARY (SDLIBRARY$) and MSILIB (SDMSILIB) folders?
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What is the recommended method to share the LIBRARY (SDLIBRARY$) and MSILIB (SDMSILIB) folders?


Article ID: 53996


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The LIBRARY folder contains all the Software Delivery packages registered with the DSM Server.

The MSILIB folder contains MSI Administrative Install reference points of MSI packages. The Administrative Install reference points are created by deploying the Administrative Install procedure of an MSI package on the DSM Server.


CA Client Automation - All supported versions. 


Special share/security permissions are required on these folders for package deployments and MSI network installs to function correctly.

The following commands can be used to share the LIBRARY (SDLIBRARY$) and MSILIB (SDMSILIB) folders, ensuring the correct permissions are applied:

sd_sscmd addshare msilib
sd_sscmd addshare sdlibrary