WARP000I Date Simulator will warp date to HH:MM:SS on MM/DD/YYYY message occurs unexpectedly in IMS.
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WARP000I Date Simulator will warp date to HH:MM:SS on MM/DD/YYYY message occurs unexpectedly in IMS.


Article ID: 53989


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Date Simulator


If you set warping on a job or a started task, and use the default date and time, you will get this WARP000I message produced to inform you that the job will be warped. You may get this message unexpectedly in IMS if you don't properly CLEAR warping from a prior run.



Component: TWARP


If you want to use the default date and time, you may ignore this message. Otherwise, you must clear all warping.

This scenario is particular to IMS. You run WARPPARM to SET new values, then you bring up IMS Messages, and see the WARP000I message. You stop IMS Messages, run a batch job to CLEAR the SET values, bring IMS Messages up and you still see the same informational message. The problem may be that you are CLEARing warping for the USERID only. To prevent this message, and warping with the default value, CLEAR the warping of the MPR before restarting.