How to create a report with a list of users who currently have data archived.
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How to create a report with a list of users who currently have data archived.


Article ID: 53966


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VM:Archiver for z/VM Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE



I am trying to create a report with at least a list of users who currently have data archived.  Is there an easy way or a command to at least display the users?



We have a tool called QVMAUSRS EXEC that will give you a list of users who have ever archived a file.

It creates an output file called LISTOF VMAUSRS which lists each user who has current archived data or has ever had any. Once you have the output file, it may be a good idea to break it up into sections or user IDs so you can issue a VMARCH QUERY FILES command against that particular list of users. You may even find users that no longer have data.

Your QUERY command will be something like this:      VMARCH Q FILES * * (OWNER xxxx SOURCE *


Additional Information:

QVMAUSRS EXEC is attached to this Knowledge Document.


Release: VMARCH00400-2.4-VM:Archiver

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