Improve performance of On-line object tree build in RC/Migrator
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Improve performance of On-line object tree build in RC/Migrator


Article ID: 53916


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


The object tree is used in an RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) session when creating or updating strategies. It contains only relationship information used to traverse from one object to another.

  • Occurs for Compares (target and source) and Migrations, but not Alters

  • Occurs ONCE per subsystem, per RCM session (unless the same subsystem is referenced multiple times, with other subsystems being referenced in between)

  • Is built only upon first Strategy Create or Strategy Update (per subsystem, per session)


These are some performance guidelines to improve online tree build performance:

  • VSAM Reads will help performance (pre DB2 v8 only)

  • ACM(Alternate Catalog Mapping) will help performance
    Note: VSAM Reads cannot be used in conjunction with ACM

  • Reorging the strategy tables will not boost performance of online tree build

  • Additional catalog indexes will not help performance of online tree build because where clauses are not used

  • FULLTREE yes/no does not affect the online tree build