Updating TPX LOGO panel news
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Updating TPX LOGO panel news


Article ID: 53908


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management


 This Knowledge document explains the  methods available for updating the main TPX LOGO panel news, including the required authorizations necessary for access to each method.

TPX Logo News appears on the TPX logon screen.  There are 2 79 character fields available. Here is an example using 1 line with the 'TEST Display' message.




Component: TPX 5.4


The actual contents of the LOGO NEWs can be specified:

  • Option 'N' on the TPX Administration Panel   '  N  Modify Logo News in System Options Table'  When the news is updated via Option 'N' it will update the value in SMRT Option 8.
  • SMRT Option 8 Operational Parameters. When this is updated, option 'N' is updated also.
  1. TPXADMIN SMRT: Operational Parameters
    • News can be updated dynamically using the TPX Operator Reload Command: RELOAD SMRT=xxx. Otherwise the text change will be displayed the next time TPX is restarted.
    • Access requirement:
      • You must have System Administrator access for authority to change the SMRT (Systems Options Table).
  2. TPXMAIL, Option 16 Update logo news
    • You have the option to Save the change for next restart
      • N: Implements the news update as soon as you press PF3.
      • Y: News update will be displayed after TPX is restarted the next time.
  3. Access requirement:
    • You must be assigned a Command Authorization Class with the option "Update logo news from Mail" = Y to have access to TPXMAIL option 16.
    • In TPXMAIL, an option will be highlighted if you have access to that option.
    • You can run TPX batch to see which users have a specific command class assigned to them by checking variable UIDXPRSV(x). See TPX User Variables.

There is no way to track who made changes to the LOGO news. The only option is to check for TPXADMIN and TPXMAIL sessions in the TPX log, but these are not specific to the update made.