How to configure an Agent to report to a different Scalability Server?
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How to configure an Agent to report to a different Scalability Server?


Article ID: 53902


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


The Scalability Server an Agent reports to can be changed via command line or via a configuration policy, here is explained both options.


Client Automation - 14.x


If you were to change the reporting Scalability Server of a machine you could do so either by running a command line on the agent machine or by changing the parameter 'Common Agent--> Common' in the configuration policy on the domain manager

  1. The following command can be run on the agent to change the Scalability Server, the agent reports to:

    caf setserveraddress <new Scalability Server hostname>

  2. Changing a parameter in the configuration policy:

    Right click on the Configuration Policy section, select 'New policy' and give a name for the policy. (In this example 'Change SS' is the name set for the new policy)

    Navigate to Change SS->DSM->Agent->Common Agent->Common and assign a value for the 'Scalability Server Address'.

    After making the change, seal the configuration policy and apply it to the desired computers/groups

Additional Information

Important Note: If the Scalability Server the Agent was reporting to is no longer available, then the Configuration Policy method will not work. You will have to use the command line method (using a script/login script) to re-direct the agents to a new Scalability Server.


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