After upgrading an IDMS CV our DDS connection from CV to CV no longer functions.
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After upgrading an IDMS CV our DDS connection from CV to CV no longer functions.


Article ID: 53793


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After upgrading IDMS our DDS connection from CV to CV gets the following errors:

DC329018 V203 T29 Resynchronization terminated for SYSTEM06::DSI_CLI connect failed.
DC329009 V203 T34 TMGR error: #TXN return code: 0C reason code: 0C53 function: $RRMI



IDMS - All Supported Releases


Although there have been APARs related to these messages, typically this problem is related to incorrect or insufficient security definitions for SIGNON security.


First you must ascertain the USERID that each IDMS CV runs under.

If securing RESTYPE=SGON internally (SECBY=INTERNAL) that USERID must be defined to both the Source and Target CVs and you must GRANT SIGNON to the source CV SYSTEM resource in the source CV SYSTEM dictionary as well as to the target CV SYSTEM resource in the target CV SYSTEM dictionary. If securing RESTYPE=SGON externally (SECBY=EXTERNAL) then that USERID must be granted SIGNON Privileges on the source CV and all target CVs.

If your CV runs on an opsys that has no external security manager or runs with no USERID assigned to the CV job or started task for any reason, and you secure RESTYPE=SGON, you may need to define the CV USERID to the security system by means of the EXTRUID parameter of the #SECRTT TYPE=INITIAL macro and GRANT SIGNON as specified herein.

There may be other reasons for this problem, such as invalid RESOURCE TABLE entries that may only cause the problem at release 16.0 or later, but the vast majority have been resolved by setting up the proper SIGNON privileges.