How can I get a copy of a directory entry with the INCLUDE profile expanded?
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How can I get a copy of a directory entry with the INCLUDE profile expanded?


Article ID: 53790


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Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE VM:Secure for z/VM



The VMXBKP01 output contains the INCLUDE files first in the output file.


In my directory statements I have INCLUDE VMX (where VMX is my included profile). The VMXBKP01 output has a section for PROFILE VMX that contains the statements for the included profile.

I am really looking for a routine that would expand the directory profile for each user. That is, your id has INCLUDE VMX, but instead of the INCLUDE card for USER VMUSER1, I wanted the USER entry to contain the 9 or 10 statements that comprised the PRFOFILE VMX entry. I guess I sort of need a source directory with included statements expanded in the individual entries.


There are times when it is necessary to review or report on directory entries with the included profile expanded. You can view the expanded copy through the VMSECURE EDX command, but that only gives you an XEDIT view and not a file that can be used for any other kind of processing.

There are two ways to get a copy of a directory entry with the included profile expanded that can be used for review or whatever processing you may need:

  1. VMXUND - This utility will uncompile the object directory entries into a USER DIRECT file and all included profiles will be expanded. If needed, contact CA Support for information on how to use this utility.

  2. Do the following:

    1. VMSECURE EDX userid

    2. While in the edit session for the EDX command, issue: SET FT HOLD (or some other filetype other than the one VM:Secure uses which is the manager userid)

    3. FILE

    4. You will get DIRECTORY NOT UPDATED after the FILE from VM:Secure. This is okay since you weren't trying to change it. The filetype change keeps VM:Secure from updating the entry. A change to the filetype or filename allows you to put the expanded entry on your 'A' disk. The INCLUDE record is still there, but all the statements are expanded into the entry as EDX command is supposed to do.

If you have a requirement to review the entire directory, then VMXUND would be the best method to use.  If you need to do this for one user or each user individually, then the sequence of VMSECURE EDX etc? would give you an output file that will suit your needs.

Here is a simple exec to do the steps stated above with EDX:

/*   */

The result is the file on the 'A' disk with the filename of the user and a filetype of HOLD.

These files should only be used for directory entry processing (reporting or reviewing) outside of the product and never used as input to VM:Secure.


Component: VMX