Given a logonid with IDLE(30) and the CA ACF2 CICS TIMEOUT value is 5, what are the minimum/maximum times the terminal is locked for the IDLE password prompt, and what are the minimum/maximum times before the terminal is timed out and returned to VTAM?
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Given a logonid with IDLE(30) and the CA ACF2 CICS TIMEOUT value is 5, what are the minimum/maximum times the terminal is locked for the IDLE password prompt, and what are the minimum/maximum times before the terminal is timed out and returned to VTAM?


Article ID: 53787


Updated On:


ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit



In addition to the logonid IDLE value and the TIMEOUT value, the applicable CA ACF2 CICS parameter option values are:

  INTIIAL  TERMACT  = ACFA       timeout action (transaction) 
           TERMLOCK = ACFL       idle for pseudo conversational tasks 
           TERMSCAN = ACFT       inactive terminal scan
 VERIFY       IDLE = YES        verify password on terminal idle time    
               INACT = PROMPT     issue password PROMPT or force a SIGNON  


For IDLE processing, the terminal must have been inactive for at least the IDLE time value (minutes) in the logonid record before the IDLE password prompt (or forced signon) occurs. Note that the password prompt (or forced signon) does not actually occur until the next terminal action occurs (e.g. hit enter).

  • minimum time = 30 minutes

  • maximum time = 65 minutes (minus a few seconds, before a "timeout" would occur)
  • Note: a "timeout" may occur prior to 65 minutes, depending on when the TERMSCAN transaction (ACFT) runs

Timeout processing is driven by the combination of the TERMSCAN transaction (ACFT) and TERMACT transaction (ACFA). The TERMSCAN transaction (ACFT) runs on an interval basis, determined by the OPTION TIMEOUT value, in this case every 5 minutes. For a terminal to be considered eligible for "timeout" process, it must have IDLE for 2 times the IDLE value (from logonid record). Then the TERMACT transaction (ACFA) is started to signoff and return the terminal to VTAM.

  • minimum time = 60 minutes (plus at least 1 second, for TERMSCAN to run)

  • maximum time = 65 minutes (minus a second, the timeout occurs within a TIMEOUT interval)


Component: ACF2MS

