How to read the FLAG bytes in the TMC.
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How to read the FLAG bytes in the TMC.


Article ID: 53736


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CA 1 Flexible Storage



How do I read the FLAG bytes in the TMC when there are multiple meanings depending on which bit is on?




The FLAG bytes in a volume, DSNB, or audit record are computed by adding
in HEX the individual bits. For example, if FLAG1 of a VOLUME record is
E1, then you have on the 80, 40, 20 and the 01 bits.
80+40+20+01 = E1
This would mean that:
80 = an internal field was changed by user
40 = the volume was closed normally
20 = the volume record was updated by user
01 = the volume is eligible for RDS override

The description of each bit of a FLAG byte is documented in the CA 1 PROGRAMMING GUIDE under the section: RECORD DEFINITIONS AND KEYWORDS

Volume records have a FLAG1, FLAG2, FLAG3, FLAG4, FLAG5 and FLAG6. (FLAG6 is currently not being used.)
DSNB records have a FLAG1, and FLAG2.