Received a new IBM robot to replace an existing STK one. What do I need to do to use the new robot?
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Received a new IBM robot to replace an existing STK one. What do I need to do to use the new robot?


Article ID: 53722


Updated On:


Dynam for VSE Dynam VSE Option



Step by step instructions follow for replacing a STK robot with an IBM.


NOTE: CA DYNAM/T for VM does not support different flavors of robots at the same time. You can not drive a STK robot and an IBM robot from the same DYNAMCMS service machine. If you are a z/VSE user of DYNAM/T, a z/VSE guest can only communicate with one DYNAMCMS service machine.

To change to an interface to the IBM robot from STK, make the following updates using CA ACTIVATOR:

  1. From task TC30-I009 remove ACSALLOW and ACSDIALG parameters.

  2. From task TC30-I010 remove set IBMALLOW to ON.

  3. From task TC30-I030 define your IBM robot. The Lib Id will be 1 character from 0 to F that identifies the library. It is used in the
    OWNERID of the dataset if you specify ECFLAG=2

  4. From task TC30-I018 specify ECFLAG 02 if you want to have several scratch pools. You may already have that setting.
    Remove ACSSERV parameter
    Specify IBM3495 : YES
    Review parameters CTLSCR and UCTLSCR. CTLSCR identify the first and last volume serial number located in the IBM robot that are
    to be under CA DYNAM/T for VM control. UCTLSCR would specify a range within the CTLSCR but that is NOT located in the
    IBM robot.

  5. In task TC30-I031 specify the mdisks where the CSL routines and FSMPPSI are located.

  6. Execute task TC30I024

  7. Execute task TC30I028

  8. Execute CA-CIS task Y430I003

  9. Execute task TC30I029
    When starting DYNAM you should see messages:

    If you don't get this messages, the IBM interface is not correctly installed.
    Please refer to Implementing Robot System to BrightStor CA-Dynam/T for VM in chapter 6 of the CA DYNAM/T VM Getting Started Guide for R3.


Component: DYNTVM