Setting up a CA 2E model to use Change Management.
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Setting up a CA 2E model to use Change Management.


Article ID: 53720


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This document describes the basic requirements to use a CA 2E model under Change Management using the CA 2E CM product.




The CA 2E and CM products must be installed per the installation instructions on your IBM System i.

Two sets of authorization codes are needed, please raise an issue with Broadcom Support at to obtain these.

  • One allows you to use CM with 2E. It consists of 13 sets of 4 characters.

  • The other allows you to use the other features of the CM product. It consists of 6 sets of 8 characters.

To apply the 13 sets of 4 characters use the CA 2E command YGRTLICAUT:

To apply the 6 sets of 8 characters use the CA 2E CM command RESET. Make sure that you have your CM product library in your library list when using the RESET command.

If you plan to use CM to do remote promotions then you need to install the CM Receiver library on each remote machine. Each remote machine will also need a Receiver authorization code. These are also 6 sets of 8 characters that need to be applied using the RESET command.

You also need to run the following CA 2E command YSTRCHGCTL:

This command sets up Change Management for the model library in the current job's library list. If there is an existing change control system in place, it is possible to access those details during processing so that the initial starting position for a particular model object can be determined. You can find more information about YSTRCHGCTL in the CA 2E Command Reference Guide. This can be download from Broadcom Support at

The data area YCHGCTLRFA also needs to be change to the name of your CA 2E CM library. To change the value of the data area use YEDTDTAARA YCHGCTLRFA:

Press enter and change to the appropriate value: