How do I convert size units in SRM standard reports with Web Reporter?
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How do I convert size units in SRM standard reports with Web Reporter?


Article ID: 53704


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BrightStor StoreAge Storage Manager STORAGE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUITE Storage Resource Mgmt Vantage Storage Resource Manager



The size units defined in all reports are in bytes notation, by default. When you convert the size units from bytes to Gigabytes (GB), the value displays as zero (0), which is not a correct value.

Note: If the bytes value is below 1GB after conversion, then only the GB value become '0' else, it is shown without any decimal.
There is a work around to convert the size units from bytes to MBs or GBs with decimal notation.



Release: BRMAPS20100-11.7-Storage Resource Manager-Application Server



To convert size units from bytes to MBs or GBs in SRM Standard Reports:

  1. Open any report which has the size units in bytes.
    For example: Consider the Free Space column as shown in the below figure, that you want to convert from bytes to MB or GB.

  2. Select the Free Space column.

  3. Click Number format from the left-side Properties pane.
    The Number Format dialog opens.

  4. Select Number from the Format type list.

  5. Check the Custom check box.

  6. Type the value as 0.#### in the Positive text box and click OK.

  7. Double-click the Free Space column and Type the value of cell as apply =[Free Space]/(1024*1024) for MB conversion.

  8. Double-click the Free Space column.
    The unit size in bytes is converted to required MBs format.

  9. Double-click the Free Space column and Type the value of cell as apply =[Free Space]/(1024*1024*1024) to convert into GBs.

  10. Double-click the Free Space column.
    The unit size in bytes is converted to required GBs format.

The conversion of bytes to MBs and GBs enhance in better reading and understanding of GBs/TBs values in the Reports.