When running CAS9 (PGM=CAIRIM) to load license keys or initialize CA Solutions, there is a CAS9115I message generated for every product key, initialization statement, and comment statement within the KEYS and CARIMPRM file. You may want to eliminate these informational messages to cut down on the message traffic written to the system log or console. This document will identify the option that can be specified to suppress the CAS9115I messages.
Within the KEYS and/or the CARIMPRM file, the ECHO control option can be used to control the generation of the CAS9115I messages.
The ECHO control option can be specified anywhere within the file to either turn on or turn off the suppression of the messages.
syntax: ECHO=(NO|YES)
default: YES
If you want to suppress all input and comment statements, specify ECHO=NO as the first statement starting in column 1. You can specify ECHO=YES further down within the file if you want to write out specific statements to the syslog log or console.