Is there a way to get the RACF messages ICH70001I LAST ACCESS and ICH70002I YOUR PASSWORD WILL EXPIRE during signon to TPX?
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Is there a way to get the RACF messages ICH70001I LAST ACCESS and ICH70002I YOUR PASSWORD WILL EXPIRE during signon to TPX?


Article ID: 53698


Updated On:


Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



I would like to get these messages like e.g. in TSO.


You can instruct TPX to display these messages on panel TEN0025 just after the signon.

To do so you must define in SMRT(9) - Security Parameters:

  • Security System: SAF
  • Return Messages from SAF: Y

Your SAMT table must include following entries:

Return Code/              Cursor      Suppress        Substitute
 Message ID    Action     Position    Message         Message IDs
 #0070001                                N
 #0070002                                N

NOTE: In addition you must be on z/OS 1.10 or later.

With z/OS 1.10 IBM removed a restriction regarding message return processing in RACROUTE.

Now messages ICH70001I and ICH70002I can be returned to a RACROUTE application specifying MSGRTRN=YES, even when ACEE= is specified.

TPX has to specify the ACEE keyword on the RACROUTE because of its multi-tasking signon facility.


Component: TLVIEW