IDMS: K002 abend code in IDMSINTC during CICS startup
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IDMS: K002 abend code in IDMSINTC during CICS startup


Article ID: 53691


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IDMS IDMS - Database


The following error messages are issued during CICS startup:

CA-IDMS 1x.0 : nnnnnnnn : CICS interface initialization failed <K002 >
nn DFHSI1580D nnnnn PLT program nnnnnnnn has abended, code K002. Reply GO or CANCEL.

A K002 error code indicates IDMS could not enable the CICS task user exit IDMSTRUE.


Release: Any supported release.
Component: IDMS


Some common causes for a K002 error code are:

  1. The transaction specified in the TRANSID parameter of the CICSOPT macro is not defined correctly to CICS. Ensure the TRANSID transaction is defined in the CICS PCT table and is invoking the correct IDMSINTC load module name.
  2. If there are multiple CICS interfaces in the same CICS region, the TRANSID parameter of the CICSOPT macro has to be unique for each IDMSINTC interface.
  3. In an MRO environment the TRANSID parameter has to be unique for each IDMSINTC interface.
  4. There are multiple CICS interfaces in the same CICS region and the last 5 characters of the IDMSINTC module names are the same. IDMS uses the last 5 characters of the module name as the prefix for the TRUE exit. This prefix has to be unique for each IDMSINTC interface. In this situation you have so specify the TRUE parameter in the CICSOPT macro to make the TRUE exit name unique for each IDMSINTC.

For full documentation on the CICSOPT macro and IDMSINTC interfaces, see Standard CICS Interface.