Can Output Management Web Viewer (OMWV) display Excel and Word files I store in my CA View mainframe repository?
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Can Output Management Web Viewer (OMWV) display Excel and Word files I store in my CA View mainframe repository?


Article ID: 53678


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer



Files can be spooled to JES so it resides in the CA View or CA Dispatch repository. But the OMWV won't have any indication that it is anything other than a text file. Is it possible to store these files as binary objects within the View database and have the OMWV be aware that they are .XLS or .DOC files?


Can Output Management Web Viewer (OMWV) display Excel and Word files I store in my CA View mainframe repository?


Yes, this can be accomplished, but you need to upload the file to CA View differently. You need to use an application that will perform a binary upload to CA View and retain the Windows extension for that file type associating it with the Windows application that will open it - for example .xls for Excel, .doc for Word, .txt for Notepad, etc. The CA products you would need to do this are CA LPR/LPD. They are available as a stand alone products, or as a component application in CA Spool. If your site uses CA Spool you should already have this capability.

Additional Information:

In short, the issue is one of distributed/associated files, requiring CA LPD stand-alone or CA Spool with CA LPD and possibly CA LPR on Windows. OMWV r11.5 through 12.1 is capable of running an integrated LPR so you can directly load binary distributed files to your CA View database from OMWV, but CA LPD or CA Spool is still required on the mainframe. While this method would work fine for pushing up individual reports from time to time, the Windows based CA LPR would probably still be the better solution if you are moving multiple/many XLS, DOC or other distributed associated files to CA View at one time.



Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX