How can I tell if my DXgrid datastore is filling up, and what can I do when it gets full?
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How can I tell if my DXgrid datastore is filling up, and what can I do when it gets full?


Article ID: 53628


Updated On:


CA Directory CA Security Command Center CA Data Protection (DataMinder) CA User Activity Reporting


How can I tell if my DXgrid datastore is filling up, and what can I do when it gets full?




Component: ETRDIR




When a DXgrid datastore is created, it's size is fixed. It will not automatically increase in size. Therefore, when a DXgrid datastore increases in size past 60% full, there are a variety of alarms that are generated by the DSA informing you to the fact that the data hosted in the DXgrid file is increasing. These alarms will continue to
the generated as the datastore fills. The purpose of this techdoc is to inform you of the alarms that you will see and how you can extend the size the of the datastore once it grows to 100% full.

When a DXgrid datastore is created, the creation process will read the DXgrid size parameter either from the:

DXmanager XML configuration

The "dxgrid-db-size" configuration parameter in the ASCII text configuration files (when using DXnewdb)

Once the creation process has read the DXgrid size, it will commence to create the datastore ".db" file on disk There are alarms that will be triggered when a DXgrid  datastore grows past 60% full. If the datastore increases past 60% full, the DSA will trigger additional alarms at 5% intervals. So in the DSAs alarm log you will see:

  [232] 20190409.120709.996 DSA_I1220 DSA started: dxserver 12.0.18
  (build 12105) Windows_NT 64-Bit

  [232] 20190409.120709.996 DSA_I3200 License: dxserver 12.0.18
  (build 12105) Windows_NT 64-Bit prefix ou=group01 entry total 19100

  [232] 20190409.120709.996 DSA_I1150 DXgrid file usage: Filesize
  6000000 Used bytes 3649816 (61%) Reclaimable bytes 0

  [48] 20190409.120803.609 65% of datastore in use

  [145] 20190409.120805.336 70% of datastore in use

  [244] 20190409.120807.064 75% of datastore in use

  [145] 20190409.120808.701 80% of datastore in use

  [112] 20190409.120810.320 85% of datastore in use

  [48] 20190409.120811.949 90% of datastore in use

  [145] 20190409.120814.161 95% of datastore in use

  [112] 20190409.120815.810 File space exhausted

  [124] 20190409.120838.104 Assertion failed

  [124] 20190409.120838.104 Assertion failed

  [145] 20190409.120850.822 File space exhausted

If you are happen to logged into DSA console (aka DXconsole), you
would see:

<Please see attached file for image>

DXconsole sample

The resolution to this issue is to extend the DXgrid data store. This can be achieved using the DXtool called "dxextenddb". The process for extending a datastore is as follows:

Shutdown the DSA
Edit the dxgrid-db-size parameter within the DSA's initialization file (DXHOME/config/servers/{dsaName.dxi})
Run "dxextenddb {dsaName}"
Restart the DSA

Once the DXgrid datastore has been extended and restarted, you can continue adding or modifying entries.

As an addendum, modifying the trace levels in the DSA's trace log will provide you with additional information when the datastore is getting full. Setting a trace level of "warn,error" will generate additional information similar to that listed below:

> [232] set trace=warn,error; 
  * [48] 20190409.120803.609 65% of datastore in use

  * [145] 20190409.120805.335 70% of datastore in use

  * [244] 20190409.120807.064 75% of datastore in use

  * [145] 20190409.120808.701 80% of datastore in use

  * [112] 20190409.120810.320 85% of datastore in use

  * [48] 20190409.120811.949 90% of datastore in use

  * [145] 20190409.120814.160 95% of datastore in use

  * [112] 20190409.120815.810 File space exhausted

  ? [112] 20190409.120815.811 WARN : Cannot add entry to cache - rolling back

  ? [124] 20190409.120838.098 WARN : Adding new object class: organizationalPerson

  ? [124] 20190409.120838.103 WARN : Adding new object class: person

  ? [124] 20190409.120838.103 WARN : No room in file for new attributes

  ? [124] 20190409.120838.104 WARN : Cannot add object class to file

  * [124] 20190409.120838.104 Assertion failed(r:/

  * [124] 20190409.120838.104 Assertion failed(r:/

  ? [124] 20190409.120838.104 WARN : Cannot add entry to cache - rolling back

  * [145] 20190409.120850.822 File space exhausted

  ? [145] 20190409.120850.823 WARN : Cannot modify entry in cache - rolling back 

> [232] logout;