Receive an error "IEC141I 013-18,IGG0191B,USDSDBC,PS1PREC,SYSIN,3365,PRD038
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Receive an error "IEC141I 013-18,IGG0191B,USDSDBC,PS1PREC,SYSIN,3365,PRD038


Article ID: 53606


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Aion Business Rules Expert


If I am not using Static SQL with DB2, I receive "IEC141I 013-18,IGG0191B,USDSDBC,PS1PREC,SYSIN,3365,PRD038,(Dataset name in DB2) DB.SQC(STATIC)" at build-time on z/OS with Aion 10.2. This did not happen on Aion 10.1. What caused this and what can I do to stop further occurrences of this at build-time?

Receive an error "IEC141I 013-18,IGG0191B,USDSDBC,PS1PREC,SYSIN,3365,PRD038,(Dataset name in DB2) DB.SQC(STATIC)" at build-time with Aion 10.2 on z/OS, what can I do to fix this?


Component: AIONBR


This occurs if the dataset being compiled, does not contain any Static SQL code. This can happen if the #Static SQL setting within the Aion application is set to "TRUE". Be sure to check your application, whether or not you are actually using Static SQL Code. If you do not use Static SQL code, you will need to set #Static SQL to "FALSE", and then rebuild the dataset. The "IEC141I ...." error should no longer occur as a result.