After installing CA SymDump for CICS the SYMD transaction abends with a CICS APCT abend code.
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After installing CA SymDump for CICS the SYMD transaction abends with a CICS APCT abend code.


Article ID: 53604


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch



You just installed CA SymDump for CICS and when you execute the SYMD transaction to access the PRIMARY OPTION MENU you receive a CICS APCT abend.

In addition the VRPT transaction Option 4 - Display Programs, Transactions, File Status for CA SymDump for CICS shows that some of the programs are not in the PPT.

IBM description of Abend code APCT:

Explanation: One of the following has occurred:

  1. The program name in the EXEC CICS HANDLE ABEND program is not usable at the time an abend occurs because:

    • The program is not on the relocatable program library (RPL).

    • The program is disabled.

    • The program cannot be loaded.

  2. An attempt to load a mapset or partitionset failed because although the program is defined to CICS

    • It is not available on the RPL, or

    • It is disabled, or

    • It cannot be autoinstalled.

  3. An attempt to link to, load, or release an internal CICS program failed because:

    • The program is not on the RPL.

    • The program is disabled.

    • The program cannot be loaded.

Problem Determination: The trace preceding the abend indicates the program, mapset, or partitionset that could not be loaded, linked to, or released. The name is also in TCAPCEPI.

System Action: The transaction requiring the program is abnormally terminated with a CICS transaction dump.

User Response: In cases 1 and 2, define the program, mapset partitionset to CICS using CEDA and ensure it is enabled.

In case 3, the definition of a CICS-provided module is incorrect. Check for associated messages issued during CICS start up.


Please check that all programs, maps, transactions and files for CA SymDump for CICS are available to CICS. The CA SymDump for CICS RDO entries are outlined in step 14 of the installation process.

The CSDSYM## (##=CICS release) member in CAI.SAMPLIB adds the CICS resource definitions for the CA SymDump for CICS into the DFHCSD repository so they are available at CICS initialization time. Modify the JCL according to the instructions contained in this member.

Don't forget to do a CEDA INSTALL GROUP(GROUP NAME) for the GROUP created and to add the GROUP to the RDO-LIST for next CICS recycle.


Component: SYMDUM