UUJMA UNIX/Linux Configuration Environment Variables
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UUJMA UNIX/Linux Configuration Environment Variables


Article ID: 53603


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Unicenter Job Management Option



This doc describes important workload environment variables.



Component: UUJMA


Specifies the name of the default Unicenter NSM JM Option calendar. The default name is base. Set this variable in the file $CAIGLBL0000/sche/scripts/envset file. For C shell users, set in the $CAIGLBL0000/sche/scripts/envusrcsh file.

Sets the time of day for the new-day autoscan and the interval between autoscans for the current workday. You can set these environment variables to different values if you want to change the default time of the new-day autoscan (default is 1 for 01:00 or the default autoscan interval (default is every 3 hours). Valid values for CAISCHD0012 are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12.

Controls the effect of the cancel command on successor jobs. The default setting is Y. When set to Y (yes), the Unicenter NSM JM Option posts on cancel, which allows successor jobs to run because the predecessor requirement is satisfied by the predecessor having been removed (by the cancel command) from the current day's workload.
If the variable is set to N (no), successor jobs dependent on the prior completion of a canceled job are not posted. Because the predecessor requirement is not satisfied, successor jobs remain in a WPRED (waiting for predecessors) status.
Set this variable in the $CAIGLBL0000/sche/scripts/envset file by adding the following statements to $CAIGLBL0000/sche/scripts/envset:
export CAISCHD0014
Then shut down and restart the Unicenter NSM JM Option using these commands:
unishutdown sche
unistart sche

Note: Running the unicntrl stop sche or unishutdown sche command stops job submission and disables display of the status tracking information for jobsets and jobs. These processes resume when you run the unicntrl start sche or unistart sche command. There is no loss of tracking data for jobs that complete or abnormally terminate while the Unicenter NSM JM Option is stopped. The Job Event Logger continues to run and track completion of scheduled processes, even while the Unicenter NSM JM Option is stopped.

Specifies a comma-delimited list of authorized remote manager nodes allowed to submit jobs. The default (blank) is to allow all job managers to submit jobs to the job agent.

Controls how the number of cyclic job iterations are calculated when cyclic jobs are demanded after their early start time.

Environment Variables On Win for Job Execution
When the Unicenter NSM JM Option submits a job for execution as a Windows process, several environmental variables are set with information you may find useful. The programs or .BAT files executed as part of a job's submission can reference these variables, but the variables cannot be altered.

Specifies the name of the Unicenter NSM JM Option jobset.

Specifies the name of the job within the identified jobset.

Specifies the job number associated with the identified jobset and job.

Specifies the Unicenter NSM JM Option station to which the job was submitted.

Specifies the Unicenter NSM JM Option job qualifier.

Specifies the computer name (node ID) associated with the job.

Specifies the unique job identifier assigned by the Unicenter NSM JM Option for internal use.

Specifies the command string the Unicenter NSM JM Option submitted to start this job.

Specifies the user ID for which the job was submitted.
The following sample BAT file references settings within the following submitted job definition:
define jobset id=Trees
define job id=(Trees,Oak,01) station=AMERICA autosel=yes
define jobparm id=(Trees,Oak,01)subfile=Oak.bat

The OAK.BAT file contains the following:
@echo Off
cawto %ID% Phase 1 has ended
cawto %ID% Phase 2 has ended

If job Oak is selected or demanded, the following messages are sent to the Event Console Log:
AMERICA: Job(Trees,Oak,01) Qual(3001) Phase 1 has ended
AMERICA: Job(Trees,Oak,01) Qual(3001) Phase 2 has ended