Error message CACI406E KEYWORD OPERAND TOO LONG - MEMBERS appears using CACCDBU0 to define a COMPOOL record.
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Error message CACI406E KEYWORD OPERAND TOO LONG - MEMBERS appears using CACCDBU0 to define a COMPOOL record.


Article ID: 53598


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CIS Dynam for VSE Dynam VSE Option Vollie


While trying to define a COMPOOL record for CA Dynam/D, CACCDBU0 may terminate with the error message CACI406E KEYWORD OPERAND TOO LONG - MEMBERS! How can we get around this?


Release: CA90SV00100-1.4-CIS


The best solution is to break up the MEMBERS list and do the DEFINE in 2 steps, using DUPREC(APPEND) to add to the new record.

See the CA Dynam for VSE System Programming Guide, Chapter 2 for the limitation; Each ALTER and/or DEFINE statement can be followed by a maximum of 10 lines. If more lines are desired for keyword (operand) combinations, you must repeat the ALTER recordtype CPU(c) command or, if you are doing a Define, after the initial Define recordtype CPU(c) command with its 10 lines, enter an ALTER recordtype CPU(c) command and follow it with a maximum of 10 lines. Repeat as necessary.