How to Repair a View Database after receiving a SARDBI01 Condition, ERROR=970C?
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How to Repair a View Database after receiving a SARDBI01 Condition, ERROR=970C?


Article ID: 53590


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Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer



This document outlines procedures that can be use to correct bad View database extents created as a result of a SARDBI01 condition, with ERROR=970C.


If, from running a SARDBASE /ADDDS, the following message is received:

SARDBI01 Data file allocation failed for VIEW.DB1 - ERROR=970C
INFO=0000 DS=036.

The ERROR=970C indicates:

  1. The number of cylinders specified, for one database extent, exceeded the maximum of 4369.

  2. The block size specified either exceeded the maximum (32760) or was less than the minimum (3476).

  3. The volume specified is SMS-ineligible for the high-level qualifier (for example, VIEW.DB1).

  4. The volume specified does not have enough contiguous space, for the extent (in the above message, extent 036), for the number of cylinders specified.

If the above elements meet the requirements, and the SARDBASE /ADDDS job was rerun and still receives the same error:


  • If the database extent incorrectly created (VIEW.DB1.SARDBASE.D00nnnnn) is in the MVS catalog but NOT in the STATUS listing, do the following:

    • Use ISPF =3.4, to delete only the extent in question from the catalog.

    • Re-run SARDBASE /ADDDS to recreate the extent.


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