How to implement TMON Adabas link routines with CA APAS link routine modules?
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How to implement TMON Adabas link routines with CA APAS link routine modules?


Article ID: 53582


Updated On:


APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas PLEU



The TMONUEXB member in the CA APAS Source library contains implementation instructions on how to set up TMON in the Adabas link routine to work with CA APAS DBGDRIVC, DBGSTACC and DBGLNCTS.


The CA APAS Driver/Stack process provides a design and supporting software that allow any number of independent routines to share an Adabas link routine exit and share the Adabas User Information Area.

An entry for the TMON UEXITB/UEXIT1 must be defined to the CA APAS DBGSTACC. This entry informs the CA APAS DBGDRIVC module what the name of the exit is and any User Information Area requirements for the TMON exit. See the TMONEUXB member for an example of the DBGSTACC entry to add.

There are some modifications required to the TMON UEXITB/UEXIT1 routine in order to work with the CA APAS Driver/Stack process. For example, the modules CSECT name must be changed as not to conflict with the DBGDRIVC CSECT name. Examine the TMONUEXB member for a complete list of modifications necessary.


Component: APAS