How to delete packages that are not in-edit and the approvers no longer exist?
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How to delete packages that are not in-edit and the approvers no longer exist?


Article ID: 53571


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Packages exist and the userids in the related approver groups have left the company resulting in unavailable package options (i.e. reset, delete).


Endevor: All Support Releases


You have 3 options:

  1. Set BATCHID=0 and make the JOBNAME (based on UIDLOC values) match any of the non-existent approver userids. NOTE: This option is not valid with v19.0 as BATCHID values 0 and 2 are no longer supported.
  2. Set up a special C1DEFLTS where PKGSEC=MIGRATE or ESI. Then modify the BC1TNEQU table and racf/acf2/topsecret to process ESI rules for Package Options. Migrate will do an ESI call only if you are not an approver to see if you are allowed to perform the action anyway. ESI will always do an ESI call regardless of "approver status".
  3. Have your security team temporarily set up one of the approver userids again and then you can logon using that temp id and reset the package. After the Approver groups have been updated, re-Cast the package.