How to return more than the default 100 row scroll limit within Sysview for Db2 requests
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How to return more than the default 100 row scroll limit within Sysview for Db2 requests


Article ID: 53553


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


On the Sysview for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) thread history selection screen the specified selection criteria is only returning 100 rows of thread information before the 'scroll limit reached' message is issued.
There are many more threads to view. What is necessary to view the complete result set?


By setting the HIST-DISPLAY-COUNT=1000 in the IDDCPRMS being used by the Data Collector (DC), and then cycling the DC,
you will be able to view the amount stated in the HIST-DISPLAY-COUNT parameter.