How to Add a WebEngine?
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How to Add a WebEngine?


Article ID: 53545


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CA IT Asset Manager CA Software Asset Manager (CA SAM) ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


How to Add a WebEngine to an existing Environment?


Release: CA Service Desk Manager 14.X, 17.X 


Step 1: Change to the Directory E:\Program Files\CA\Unicenter Service Desk\Samples\pdmconf from the command prompt

Step 2: Run the command pdm_perl

It will prompt whether this is being run for NT, select 'Yes' depending on where you are running it.

Then you will be warned on whether to continue or not, selecting Yes will move the process further, No will halt the process.

Enter the number for the option of your choice.

In this case since we want to setup up an additional Web Engine, we select number '3'

We will add a new web engine hence enter the 'a' for Add.

On selecting 'A, you will be prompted to provide the hostname that would be running the webengine.

The next prompt is for CGI Port Number, default value assigned is 8080, type in the correct value in case you do not want to proceed with the default value.

In this example we selected port 80 instead of the default value.(New Feature with R11, provided for Tomcat)

Select the Object Manager for the Web Engine, if you are going with the Domserver on the primary server, then hit enter to accept default value.

Otherwise type in the domserver name with which you would like to associate the Web engine.

Next prompt is for the webdirector, since we are not setting up any webdirector, just hit enter.

Provide the Interface name for the pdmweb executable, Default is pdmweb1, incase you want to change you can rename it. (Recommended to go with the default setting)

Once the value is selected and the return key pressed, it will display the list of web engines.

Hit Return key and you will be back to the Main Menu.

Hit X and Return to Save and Exit the configuration

Note you will be prompted to select a template web.cfg to rewrite the web.cfg with the new entries. Select one of the values and hit return

Once the template is selected and return key pressed, we will see some line scroll up and the above screen comes up.

This is very important part of the configuration and explains the details of the post configuration steps that have to be taken for the additional web engine to run.


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