How to convert Dynamic Users to Static Users?
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How to convert Dynamic Users to Static Users?


Article ID: 53516


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



Dynamic users are not recorded in the administration databases. The characteristics of dynamic users are determined by profiles assigned in the signon exit.

Static users are defined in user administration and recorded in the administration databases. The characteristics of a static user are determined during signon by values in the System Options Tables, Application Definition Tables, and user and profile records.


To change Dynamic Users to Static Users:

Set the following fields to 'Y' in the SMRT table:

  1. Allow Dynamic Users
  2. Save Dynamic Users
  3. Optional Parameter 18 (located in the Optional Parameters of the SMRT)

Have users at your site sign on to the product at their convenience. The users will be assigned user characteristics as if they were dynamic users and these values will become their characteristics as static users.

A user administrator can also use the Static User field in User Options to determine whether a user is static or dynamic. This applies only to saved dynamic users.


Component: TLVIEW