Identity Manager r12 - View User Search Only Returns 200 Entries.
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Identity Manager r12 - View User Search Only Returns 200 Entries.


Article ID: 53463


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When running a View User search through the Identity Manager User Console, a total of 200 users is returned when there should be many more returned.


There are five areas within the Identity Manager product suite that contain modifiable values for handling search limits.

  1. Modify the View User Admin Task.

  2. Modify the Directory.XMl file.

  3. Modify the Search Size Limit through the Provisioning Manager.

  4. In the JXplorer console.

  5. In the Corporate User Stores' Directory configuration file.

Modify the View User Admin task:

By modifying the View User Admin Task you can adjust the number of records that are returned per search page. The default is set to 50, and can be set to as high as 200 per page.


  • In the Identity Manager User Console navigate to Roles And tasks/Admin Tasks/Modify Admin Tasks.

  • Search the tasks, and select "View User".

  • Click on the Search TAB, you should see the Search Screen set to "Default User Search".

  • Click on the "..." Browse Button, the "default User search" radio button should be already selected. Click the Edit button, scroll down to the "Return # Results Per Page" drop down menu. You should see this set to 50.

  • Modify this value and then OK, this brings you back to the Search TAB, select the "Select" button, then click on Submit. At this point run a new View User search.

Modify the Directory.XMl file:

There is a setting in the Directory.XML file that can be set to limit the total number of returns for the View User Search.
You can set the following search parameters in the Directory Search element: maxrows
This defines the maximum number of results that Identity Manager can return when searching a user directory.
By setting a value for the maxrows parameter in the directory.xml file, you can override the settings in the Policy Server and LDAP directory that limit search results.
When conflicting settings apply, the LDAP server uses the lowest setting.

To make this change:

  • Export the Directory.XML file through the IDM Management Page.

  • Adjust the maxrows value.

  • Import the Directory.XML file.

  • Restart the IDM Environment.

Modify the Search Size Limit through the Provisioning Manager:

  • Open the Provisioning Manager UI.

  • Go to: System/Domain Configuration/Search/Search Size Limit.

  • Adjust the search value.

By default the Search Value is set to zero, which equals no-limit.

In the JXplorer console:

You can adjust the search limit in the JXplorer Console.

  • On the JXplorer Toolbar, go to Options/Advanced Options/Search Limits.

  • From there you can set the LDAP Search Limit. the Default is set to Zero, which equals 'no-limit".

In the Corporate User Stores' Directory configuration file:

You can adjust the LIMITS.dxc file on the Directory server.
By default the search limit set in this file is set to 200!

The file is located under:
Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver\config\limits

However, you must first find out what .dxc file is being sourced by looking at the .dxi (DSA initialization) files under D:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Directory\dxserver\config\servers.
Verify in LIMITS .dxc file.

Use the corpstore_servername.dxi file to identify the correct source DSA that needs to be modified.
Then go to the proper Limits folder and modify the specific file.

After making the changes to the directory config file(s), you must re-initialize the DSAs.
Run the following command to re-initialize the DSAs: dxserver init all

At that point a User Search through Identity Manager should return the specified number of Users.


Component: IDMGR