C1LB006E Library open failed on Endevor ELIB
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C1LB006E Library open failed on Endevor ELIB


Article ID: 53462


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C1LB006E message is inconclusive where can more information be found 



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The 'C1LB006E library open failed' message does not supply information about the specific cause.

To diagnose the problem, investigate accompanying messages, for example a IEC161I, and the reported RC and SFI in that IBM message.

If the ELIB file is under L-Serv control, check the L-Serv log for LDM error messages.

Possible causes of this error are:

  1. Contention. Another job, e.g. a HSM backup, has hold of the file.
  2. If it is a new VSAM Elib it may have not been initialized. 
  3. Shareoptions. Normally SHROPTS is set to (3 3), but if the file is under LSERV control, they should be (1 3). Should you need to change it, then use IDCAMS ALTER and recycle L-Serv.
  4. Buffersize. If L-Serv is used for the file, the buffersize specified must match the CI size of the file concerned.
  5. The L-Serv started task has to be up before starting any jobs that use the file.