Instructions for downloading/uploading and Applying MICS PTF'S
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Instructions for downloading/uploading and Applying MICS PTF'S


Article ID: 53458


Updated On:


MICS Resource Management


Provide Instructions on how to Download/Upload and apply MICS PTFs


Release: R14
Component: MBAS


Please note: MICS product changes are distributed via Support portal as binary files. They are not converted from EBCDIC to ASCII when downloaded. If viewed on your PC, they will not be readable using an application presenting the data as ASCII.


  1. Pre-allocate a sequential file, LRECL 80, on your host system.

  2. Upload from your PC to this file the solution .bin file, ensuring that no translation (ASCII to EBCDIC) is performed and CRLF is set to NO.

  3. Once uploaded, the sequential file will contain the JCL necessary to populate your PSP libraries with the product change.

INSTRUCTIONS to APPLY the Support Online Product Change:

  1. Delete all statements preceding the JOB statement.

  2. Modify the JOB statement per your data center's standards.

  3. Modify 'yoursharedprefix' on the APPLYPC PROC statement to match your sharedprefix value:

    If MICSLEVEL=YES, leave the .MICS second level qualifier.
    If MICSLEVEL=NO, remove the .MICS second level qualifier.

  4. Submit the job for execution and ensure that it completes successfully. Note that some product changes contain steps that execute the ASSEMBLER to pass parameters to a subsequent step. When an ASSEMBLER step is executed, a return code of 4 is produced and should be ignored.

  5. In the MICS Workstation Facility:

    Select option 5;2;4;1 - Receive new PSP Tables.
    Select option 5;2;1;2 - Select Product Changes and select this product change.  Specify Yes to generate Checklist;   Checklist gets generated in CHKLIST DD and contains all steps to follow.  Refer to this checklist to complete application of PTF.  

  6. Execute the steps listed in the checklist.