Are there any suggestions/best practices for setting up USER SESSION and LOGO timeouts in the TPX System options?
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Are there any suggestions/best practices for setting up USER SESSION and LOGO timeouts in the TPX System options?


Article ID: 53433


Updated On:


Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



Currently we have them all at the same interval - does that indicate that all will expire at the same time?

                             1st Level       2nd Level 
   User Timeout              000030  min   000030  min
   Timeout Option              FI          FI 
   Session Timeout:                000030  min 
   LOGO Timeout:                   000030  min


Yes they will TIMEOUT at the same time.

It is good practice to setup session timeouts if there is a tendency by users to ignore closing application sessions at the end of usage or work day. This enforces a clean shut down of user sessions and eliminates to a great degree any 'loose ends' creeping in. The same holds true for user timeouts. Logo timeout is another option that may be applied based on environmental requirements and what organizational policy dictates

All timeouts should be carefully tested and applied prudently so as not to adversely impact user productivity but at the same time enforce security, standards and organizational needs and requirements.


Component: TLVIEW