How do I import location information from LDAP?
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How do I import location information from LDAP?


Article ID: 53357


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When importing contact information from LDAP, location information is not imported. It is possible to do this with a simple customization.


Service Desk Manager 17.x


To import additional fields from LDAP you need to modify the majic files that map LDAP fields to Service Desk attributes. The out-of-the-box attributes are defined in the ldap.maj file which is located in the $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\majic directory. To add more fields you need to create a "mod" file and place that file in the $NX_ROOT\site\mods\majic directory and then recycle services.

In this example, please note that the "location" information from LDAP, stored in the "l" field (lower case L), typically indicates a city (e.g. Chicago). Service Desk contacts do not contain "city" information; rather, they have a "location" attribute, which would be more-encompassing, such as "Chicago Sales Office", which then would contain the street address information.

Create a new file with a .mod extension, for instance ldap.mod, and insert the following:

     LDAP_Entry {
     location l;

NOTE: there must be a TAB between "location" and "l", and there must be a blank line at the end.

Place this file in the $NX_ROOT\site\mods\majic directory.

You will also need to make sure that there are Service Desk locations that match the "l" fields that you are importing from LDAP. If LDAP has "l" fields with values Chicago and Dallas, be sure to create Service Desk locations with those same names, or your LDAP import will fail.

Don't forget to recycle services in order for site mods to take effect.

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