How NTLM / Windows Authentication works with Policy Server, Web Agent ?
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How NTLM / Windows Authentication works with Policy Server, Web Agent ?


Article ID: 53320


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On SITEMINDER



How Siteminder integrates with Windows Authentication or NTLM ? 




The most important thing to know is that the SiteMinder Policy Server
does not validate any credentials during NTLM or Windows
Authentication; it trusts the IIS web server to validate the

The process is pretty much as follows:

The old NTLM and newer Windows Authentication are closed, Microsoft
proprietary technology, officially it only works on IE browser and IIS
Web server (although the open source community has reverse engineered
the protocol and gotten it to work on Netscape browser and Apache).

When a user accesses a resource on any type of web server (it can be
Apache, SUN, IIS, etc) protected by the SiteMinder NTLM or (as of SM6
sp1) Windows Authentication scheme, the SiteMinder Policy Server
returns a credential collector redirect URL to the Web Agent that must
use the FQDN of an IIS web server, with a URI of

The Web Agent then performs the redirect to the IIS Web Server, which
must be configured for NTLM/Windows authentication when
the/siteminderagent/ntlm virtual directory is accessed. The MS IIS Web
Server then sends the IE browser a request for the user's credentials
(user name and password or Kerberos ticket). The MS IE browser
communicates with the MS Windows OS to get the current user's desktop
login credentials, encrypts them and sends them back to the MS IIS Web
Server. The IIS Web Server decrypts the creds, then uses them to login
to the MS NT Domain Controller (Active Directory nowadays) and
declares the user authenticated if the login is successful. As
mentioned before, Microsoft does not share any APIs or any other means
for other company's technology to play any part in this operation,
without resorting to reverse engineering Microsoft protocols. Once IIS
has authenticated the user, control finally passes to the SiteMinder
Web Agent which extracts only the user's ID (in the form
domain\loginID) and passes it to the policy server for

The Policy Server doesn't really do full authentication. It
disambiguates the user in a User Store and then just declares the user
authenticated, having trusted IIS to actually verify credentials. The
Web Agent then sets an SMSESSION cookie, and sets SM_USER to
domain\loginID, then redirects back to the user's original target.

Prior to SM 6.0 sp1, the OOTB NTLM auth scheme was only available for
on the Windows version of the Policy Server and you had to
disambiguate using domain\login ID. A module named Extended NTLM
Authentication was available from GSE which would run on Solaris and
Windows, and which would allow disambiguation to any SiteMinder user
store using just the loginID, without the domain\ prefix.

As of SM 6.0 sp1, the new built-in Windows Authentication scheme is
quite flexible and allows you to do what the solution module did. It
runs on all supported Policy Server platforms, can disambiguate
against AD or any other LDAP User Store, and has a flexible, macro
based lookup that doesn't use the User Store start/end fields. The
auth scheme allows you to create your own lookup filter using %{UID}
and %{DOMAIN} as macros (the keywords are case sensitive by the way),
so you can create a simple lookup like (sAMMAccountname=%{UID}) or
(uid=%{UID}) or more complex disambiguation filters.

As mentioned before, SM_USER is set to domain\loginID (for plain cert
based authentication SM_USER is empty). If SM_USER needs to contain
just loginID then create a new header and use the custom header
instead of SM_USER. Alternatively, the SmOverrideAuth GSE Catalog Item
to automatically re-authenticate the user and reset SM_USER to any
user attribute in the process (1).


Additional Information



    Override Authentication Login for CA Single Sign-On