After adding new TYPE codes to the ACF2 GSO INFODIR record and IPLing I am now getting numerous resource violations. What would cause this to occur?
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After adding new TYPE codes to the ACF2 GSO INFODIR record and IPLing I am now getting numerous resource violations. What would cause this to occur?


Article ID: 53313


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Caution should be used when changing the GSO INFODIR record to add new resource TYPES. When doing a TSO, ACF command processor CHANGE command to add new TYPES to the GSO INFODIR record the "REP" parameter should not be specified otherwise the TYPES specified will replace the entire GSO INFODIR record. Either the "ADD" parameter should be used or no ADD|REP|DEL parameter should be specified since ADD is the default.


The ACF2 GSO INFODIR record is a Structured Infostorage Record which can be maintained using the ACF2 ISPF Panels or the TSO ACF Command Processor. When doing a CHANGE to the GSO INFODIR record the following optional parameters [ADD|REP|DEL] can be used.

Indicates that you want to add the specified fields and values to those in the existing record. This parameter applies only to multi-value fields. ADD is the default.

Indicates that you want to replace the fields and values in an existing record with the fields and values you specify. This parameter applies only to multi-value fields. If any field you specify is not part of the existing record, CA ACF2 adds that field and its value to the record.

Indicates that you want to delete the specified field values from the existing record. This parameter applies only to multi-value fields.

If the "REP" parameter is specified on the CHANGE command for an existing INFODIR record that has numerous TYPES specified, all of the existing TYPES will be replaced by the TYPES specified in the CHANGE command. When trying to add new or additional TYPES to an existing GSO INFODIR record the "ADD" parameter should be used, or since "ADD" is the default do not specify [ADD|REP|DEL].

Details on the Maintaining Structured Infostorage Records can be found in section: Maintaining Structured Infostorage Records.


Component: ACF2MS

