Why does one of my Scalability Servers show up as 'Unclassified' in the DSM Explorer?
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Why does one of my Scalability Servers show up as 'Unclassified' in the DSM Explorer?


Article ID: 53310


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


This may happen due to improper registration of the Scalability Server with the DSM Domain Manager. Please follow the instructions below to correct the problem.


Client Automation - Any Versions.


  • Delete the Unclassified Scalability Server from the DSM Explorer.

  • Run the following commands on the Scalability Server:

    • cserver unregister
    • caf setserveraddress localhost
    • cserver config -h <new_manager> -j
    • cserver register -a

  • Recycle CAF on the Scalability Server using CAF STOP and CAF START.