An Overview for CA Output Management Web Viewer (OMWV or DocView Web).
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An Overview for CA Output Management Web Viewer (OMWV or DocView Web).


Article ID: 53281


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer



How do all these pieces fit together? Which components perform what functions? How does all of this work? Perhaps the best way to answer these commonly asked questions is to trace the activity or flow that is generated as the result of an end-user request. So let's start there - with an end-user bringing up their browser and pointing to their CA OMWV Server.


The process begins when the user starts their browser and points to their home page for the CA OMWV Server (index.htm). The browser will establish a connection, through IIS - Microsoft's Web Services utility. IIS allows web sites to exist on MS Windows-based (Win/XP, Win/2003, Win2008) machines. From the initial web page, the user clicks a link to access the Output Management Web Viewer sign on. It is at this point that the user begins interfacing with the Web Viewer and its components. On of the components is MS-SQL which can reside on the same server as does CA OMWV. But, it may also be installed on another server that is accessible from the CA OMWV server. The point is that the SQL DocView Web database is accessed to determine if the UserID is defined and which report folders are available. This SQL DocView Web database information is defined and maintained from the CA OMWV AdminTool, and reflects what the Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS) knows about the repositories on the mainframe.

Next, the MS Windows-based machine will communicate via TCP/IP and CCI/PC-ENF with DRAS on the Mainframe. DRAS knows which report repositories are available and how they relate to the folder views that were set up back in the Admin Tool on the CA OMWV server. It's this view of what's stored in CA View, CA Dispatch and/or CA Bundl, through whichever filters the user has employed, that is transmitted back through the above configuration all the way to the user's browser. That's how the user winds up viewing the report list and ultimately, the report they wanted to see.

You can add additional layers of complexity (and flexibility) by adding additional mainframes and report repositories... even additional products like CA CCI TCP Gateway, CA Document Viewer to the above diagram, but this FAQ is about a basic CA-DocView Web configuration.


Component: DVWEB

