After upgrade, Alchemist requests with program SAPDBPLM are failing with IBM0204S message and a U4038 abend.
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After upgrade, Alchemist requests with program SAPDBPLM are failing with IBM0204S message and a U4038 abend.


Article ID: 53248


Updated On:


Alchemist TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


After upgrade, when executing a program called SAPDBPLM, messages in the pre-compiler are complaining about a parmlist being passed, and get an IBM0204S message issued and a U4038 abend.

IBM0204S ONCODE=84 The UNDEFINEDFILE condition was raised because a DD statement or CMS FILEDEF was not used in ('ONFILE'=SYSUT1).

Other programs work OK with the same parmlist.



Component: ALCMST


On advice from vendor, needed to add an extra parameter DEFCOB in front of the other parms. The pre-compiler now works.

NOTE: As with any other vendor product that you have integrated with Alchemist, it is necessary to verify any new changes or requirements for JCL and PCL that might be necessary with an upgrade of that product. If the error messages are not Alchemist errors (beginning with Z), the other vendor most likely needs to be contacted.