Line Mode TSO Signon Does Not Use TSOLPROC On ACID
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Line Mode TSO Signon Does Not Use TSOLPROC On ACID


Article ID: 53244


Updated On:


Top Secret


If using line mode telnet, Top Secret ignores the TSOLPROC parameter and uses the first TSOPROC on the ACID. If there is no TSOPROC on the ACID, but just a TSOLPROC, the session fails with the message 'IKJ56495I LOGON TERMINATED. USER IS NOT DEFINED TO ANY PROCEDURE NAMES' The problem does not occur if using TN3270 or any full screen telnet mode such as TPX.


TSOLPROC is the default value for the TSO proc on the TSO signon panel. If the user is not using the panel to signon (which is the case in line mode), the TSOLPROC is not used.

This is not something Top Secret is doing or not doing.

It is TSO.