Example LDAP Command To Extract INSTDATA From a PROFILE Type ACID
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Example LDAP Command To Extract INSTDATA From a PROFILE Type ACID


Article ID: 53228


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Example LDAP Command To Extract INSTDATA From a PROFILE Type ACID




Component: TSSLDP


Please see the r12 LDAP Server Admininstrator's Guide under the Objectclass tssacid, tssprofile, tssdept, tssdiv, tsszone, tssgroup Heading. You will see that INSTDATA is returned for all of those types.

Here is the example ldapsearch to retrieve the INSTDATA for a PROFILE type acid:

./ldapsearch -D cn=USER001 -w XE52 -h usi252me -p 389 \
-s base \
-b "tssprofile=PROF001,tssadmingrp=profiles,host=a52icci,o=ca,c=usa" \
filter Installation-Data
which returns:
       # PROF001, profiles, a52icci, ca, usa
dn: tssprofile=PROF001,tssadmingrp=profiles,host=a52icci,o=ca,c=usa
Installation-Data: TOTOMY PROF001 INST

Please refer to the CA LDAP for zOS Administrator's Guide for more details about ldapsearch.