When entering the RC/Update for Db2 for z/OS (RCU) Main Menu, only the Operation Control options are displayed on the screen.
Why aren't the other options and objects displayed?
RUPM 20.0 ------------- RC/Update Main Menu ------------ yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Option => B Object => T Mode => O ONLINE
Item Name => table > Creator => creator > Where => N
--------------------------------------------------------------------- authid
Location => LOCAL DB2 SSID => ssid DB2 Version: 121M500
Operation Control L - Log Display P - Profile BP - Batch Processor IS - Interactive SQL TU - Tutorial
The Operation Control options will be the only options displayed if the other options have not been granted to the current authid.
This task can be completed by accessing Product Authorizations off the products main menu or, by simply typing an A at the command line on the products main menu.
Once on the Product Authorizations panel, specify the TO ID that needs the access to the options that will be allowed.
Tab down to RC/Update, place and E(xplode) on the CMD line and press enter.
The following will be displayed:
___ RC/Update
___ Product Auths
___ Auth. Options
Drill down farther so place a Y next to ____ Auth. Options and press enter.
This will display the following screen:
RUPRCUAO 20.0 --------- RC/Update Authorization -------- yyyy/mmm/dd hh:mm:ss
For User ID ===> PUBLIC
---------------------- Use Of RC/Update Subcomponents ----------------------
Object Options DB2 RC
Create Alter Alter Drop Template
Storage Group ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Data Base ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Table Space ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Table ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Referential ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Index ===> Y Y Y Y Y
View/Join ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Synonym/Alias ===> Y Y Y Y
Trigger ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Sequence ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Procedure ===> Y Y Y Y Y
User Function ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Role ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Trusted Context ===> Y Y Y Y Y
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
-------------------- RC/Update Administrative Privileges -------------------
System Defaults Privileges Drop/Recovery Table Privileges
System Administrator ===> N Restrict Delete Function ===> Y
Personal Defaults ===> Y Model Service Privilege ===> N
This gives the RC/Update administrator the ability to determine what access is allowed for a given ID.
In this example PUBLIC could be used as the default user ID. The ID would allow browsing of data but, not the option of edit or data compare:
The online help for these two fields states:
Field: RC/EDIT
Description: This component enables the user to edit table data.
Description: This component allows the user to compare data from
two tables.
Going back to the RC/Update Main Menu, it would now display when using the set current sqlid PUBLIC:
RUPM 20.0 ------------- RC/Update Main Menu ------------ yyyy/mmm/dd hh:mm:ss
Option => B Object => T Mode => O ONLINE
Item Name => table > Creator => creator > Where => N
--------------------------------------------------------------------- authid
Location => LOCAL DB2 SSID => ssid DB2 Version: 121M500
Object Options Objects (for use with Object Options)
A - Alter SG - Storage Group T - Table
C - Create DB - Data Base I - Index
D - Drop TS - Table Space V - View
T - Template TG - Trigger S - Synonym
R - Drop Recovery SQ - Sequence A - Alias
PR - Procedure J - Join/Edit
UF - User Function RI - Ref.Integrity
RL - Role TC - Trusted Context
Operation Control Table Data Options
L - Log Display B - Browse FB - Fast Browse
P - Profile CO - Copy
BP - Batch Processor RB - RI Browse
IS - Interactive SQL
TU - Tutorial
You will notice under Table Data Options, the two options that were set to N on the RC/Update Authorization screen are not displayed on the RC/Update Main Menu.
These options are as follows:
E - Edit
FE - Fast Edit
DC - Data Compare
Edit and Fast Edit are both controlled by the RC/EDIT === > N
Field: RC/EDIT
Description: This component enables the user to edit table data.