NFA Data Source fails to sync in Portal
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NFA Data Source fails to sync in Portal


Article ID: 5313


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA) DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


The NFA Data Source fails with the error "DS_PRODUCT_ID_CHANGED error for the NFA data source" which can be seen in the DMService logs.

Data source fails to sync and receives this error: "DS_PRODUCT_ID_CHANGED error for the NFA data source"


All DX NetOps Performance Management releases

All DX NetOps Network Flow Analysis releases



1. Use this URL on the NFA Console server to get the product id: http://localhost/reporterdatasource/productsyncws.asmx

2. Click on the 'ProductID' link. 

3. Click on the 'Invoke' button on the next page.  


This will open a new window with the product ID as a string.  Take note of this new product ID: 

< string xmlns =" " > productID </ string >


On Portal:

1. Open a shell to the Portal host

2. mysql netqosportal -unetqos -pPASSWORD (enter your custom pasword)

3. select * from data_sources2\G;

- confirm the "SourceType" of the NFA data source

4. update data_sources2 set SourceGUID='NFA productID ' where SourceType=<SourceType>;

- EX: update data_sources2 set SourceGUID='1234567890' where SourceType=2;