Sending an SNMP trap to a UNIX box via OPS/MVS.
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Sending an SNMP trap to a UNIX box via OPS/MVS.


Article ID: 53119


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation



OPSCAWTO can be used to send an SNMP trap to a UNIX box.



Component: SOPMVS




The SNMP protocol is commonly used to send messages or 'traps' between different platforms. OPS/MVS provides a function called OPSCAWTO to do this.

For example: X=OPSCAWTO('UNIXSV1','Message to UNIXESV1') will send the message: Message to UNIEXSEV1 to a distributed machine called UNIXSV1.

(Refer to the Commands and Function Reference manual for more syntax details.)

OPS/MVS packages the SNMP request and ?hands it off? to the CA Common Services ENFSNMPM started task to actually issue the SNMP call. Therefore the ENFSNMPM has to installed, configured and running before the OPSCAWTO will work. Refer to the CCS Installation documentation for these details.

Sending is one piece of the process. The receiver at the other end has to be able to interpret or understand the CA SNMP trap. The CA MIB has to be defined for the OPSCAWTO. The following is an example of what HP OPENVIEW needs to configure in order to receive an OPSCAWTO. This information can be used for other platforms. After this is defined to HP OPENVIEW, a manual event needs to be created for 791.2.4.2.


--*                                                                    *
--*       CCCCCCCCCCC                                                  *
--*     CCCCCCCCCCCC                                                   *
--*    CCCCC                                                           *
--*   CCCC                                                             *
--*  CCCC      AAAAAA                                                  *
--*  CCCC     AAAAAAA      CA                                          *
--*  CCCC    AAAAAAAA                                                  *
--*   CCCC  AAAA AAAA                                                  *
--*    CCC AAAA  AAAA                                                  *
--*      CCCCCCCCCCCC                                                  *
--*     AACCCCCCCCCCC                                                  *
--*    AAAA      AAAA                                                  *
--*   AAAA       AAAA                                                  *
--*  AAAA        AAAA                                                  *
--*                                                                    *
--*      Copyright (C) 2008 CA. All Rights Reserved.                   *
--*                                                                    *
--*                                                                    *
--*  CA-OPS/MVS rexx function uses the following                       *
--*  Management Information Base (MIB) definition file                 *
--*  Since we only provide text as an OCTET string this MIB should     *
--*  suffice.                                                          *
caOps-MIB            DEFINITIONS ::=BEGIN
  FROM RFC1212
  FROM RFC1213
  FROM RFC1213;
cai                        OBJECT IDENTIFIER::={enterprises 791}
caiSysMgt              OBJECT IDENTIFIER::={cai           2}
caOps                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER::={caiSysMgt     4}
caOpsMvs              OBJECT IDENTIFIER::={caOps         2}

CA NSM Event Manager platforms can also receive OPSCAWTO SNMP traps. Those platforms need have the CATRAPD process running. The CATRAPD task is used to receive SNMP traps on CA EM machines.

Note that the CA NSM EM platforms mainly communicate with each other using CAWTO commands. OPS/MVS also communicates with CA NSM EM platforms by issuing ADDRESS USS commands such as ADDRESS USS WTO. This uses another protocol altogether that relies on TCP/IP and CCI. Do not confuse this with SNMP traps. These are two different methods by which OPS/MVS can communicate with CA NSM Event Manager Platforms.