IDMS Server gets SQL STATE: 28000 "Security violation...signon failed" when testing the connection to the CA IDMS mainframe.
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IDMS Server gets SQL STATE: 28000 "Security violation...signon failed" when testing the connection to the CA IDMS mainframe.


Article ID: 53074


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IDMS IDMS - Database


 SQL STATE: 28000 can be caused by two possible issues.



IDMS all supported releases


The IDMS SQL Reference contains the SQL STATE values.
The SQL STATE of 28000 is defined as:

       28 Invalid authorization specification             000 No subclass

Most often times this is simply a security problem. Check that the correct user-id and password are being used. As of IDMS PTF RO03211, it may be necessary to input the user-id and password in the appropriate case.

Another possible cause for the SQL STATE 28000 error is if CA IDMS Server is not installed on the IDMS CV. To check this, enter the following command from the "Enter Next Task Code" prompt:

                             * Product Intent Status *                          
IDMS Core Products                        IDMS Tools Products                   
------------------                        -------------------                   
CA ADS                             YES    CA ADS Alive                       YES
CA ADS Batch                       YES    CA ADS Trace                       YES
CA ADS APPC                        YES    CA IDMS/DB Analyzer                YES
CA IDMS CMS Option                 NO     CA IDMS/DB Audit                   YES
CA IDMS DDS                        YES    CA IDMS/DB Extractor               YES
CA IDMS Dictionary Loader          YES    CA IDMS/DB Reorg                   YES
CA EDP Auditor                     NO     CA IDMS Dictionary Migrator        YES
CA ICMS                            NO     CA IDMS DML Online                 YES
CA CULPRIT for CA IDMS             YES    CA IDMS Dictionary Module Editor   YES
CA IDMS/DB                         YES    CA IDMS Dictionary Query Facility  YES
CA IDMS/DC                         YES    CA IDMS Enforcer                   YES
CA OLQ                             YES    CA IDMS Journal Analyzer           YES
CA IDMS/TP Monitor                 NO     CA IDMS Log Analyzer               YES
CA IDMS Performance Monitor        YES    CA IDMS Masterkey                  YES
CA IDMS Presspack                  YES    CA IDMS Online Log Display         YES
CA IDMS Server                     YES    CA IDMS SASO                       YES
CA IDMS SQL                        YES    CA IDMS Schema Mapper              YES
CA IDMS UCF                        YES    CA IDMS/DC Sort                    YES
                                          CA IDMS Task Analyzer              YES

Verify that IDMS Server and IDMS SQL specify YES. If either is NO, it is possible that the configuration for SQL and/or Server was not done. The ADDON configuration for SQL and/or Server needs to be done. The RHDCPINT should be correctly created then.  If the SQL and Server configuration have been done, then it is a possibility that the wrong RHDCPINT is being loaded.