Billing and usage_metering - Unable to complete billing reports, the subscription window shows "No subscriptions" and "Connectivity to service URL doesn't exist from this machine."
Any UIM 8.4
Usage_metering probe 8.0
Billing probe 8.20
1. Increase the billing probe log level to 5 and the log size to 10000.
2. Restart the probe and attempt to run a billing report.
3. The log file displays the following error:
ERROR [Thread-14, com.nimsoft.billing.calculation.BillingCalculationDelegate] No active offline subscription is configured. Unable to perform billing calculation until configuration is performed.
1. In the Offline Billing section, click Configure Offline Subscription File.
2. Navigate to nms_offline_setup.subscription.
**NOTE: If this file currently exists in a probes/service/billing/ directory, then copy it to another location (such as your desktop) and select from this non-billing probe location. The configuration will not succeed if selecting the file from the billing probe directory. Click the OK button.**
3. Click Import. You know the import succeeded when:
- A message states that the probe has been successfully configured.
- The Subscription ID field is populated with an encrypted string of characters that uniquely identify a billing report for a specific customer.