Do I need an LMPKEY (License Key) for CA Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS)?
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Do I need an LMPKEY (License Key) for CA Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS)?


Article ID: 52969


Updated On:


Bundl Dispatch Output Mgmt Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer


CA DRAS is a licensed product, but does not require an LMPKEY for basic operation.


Release: OUTDRA00200-11.5-Output Management-Distributed Repository Access-System


No. There is no LMPKEY required for CA DRAS. It is considered a free (no charge) component of CA Output Management Web Viewer or CA Output Management Document Viewer and does not require a separate license or an LMPKEY.

However, starting with r11.5 of CA DRAS, DRAS will check for an LMPKEY for the CA View AFP-to-PDF transform option if this option was activated during the CA DRAS Installation and a user attempts to perform the transformation. See the Add the AFP-to-PDF Transform Data Sets to the CA DRAS Started Task Procedure in Chapter 4 of the r11.5 CA DRAS Installation and Operation Guide.

In addition, starting with Web Viewer 12.1, DRAS acts as a license server for that product and a 4Q LMPKEY is required for Web Viewer.