Naming rules for Temporary Datasets within Endevor processors
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Naming rules for Temporary Datasets within Endevor processors


Article ID: 52961


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Temporary Dataset naming within Endevor processors depends on activation of ENCOPTBL options RACF_TEMPDSN_OPTION, DS_INTERNAL_TEMP;
C1DEFLTS setting of MODHLI; and whether the processor runs in a spawned region for Concurrent Action processing(CAP).
Care must be exercised to avoid 970C-42CD and 970C-42CE errors.


Naming rules for Temporary Datasets within Endevor processors.


Temporary Dataset naming within Endevor processors depends on activation of ENCOPTBL options RACF_TEMPDSN_OPTION, DS_INTERNAL_TEMP;
C1DEFLTS setting of MODHLI, and whether the processor runs in a spawned region for Concurrent Action processing (CAP).

Specific consequences of combinations of these conditions are detailed below.

None of the above options, and MODHLI is not specified:

The Dataset takes the form the Operating system generates, which depends on the presence of an &&DSNAME, as described in the the z/OS JCL Reference Manual. For example, when a &&DSNAME is not coded: SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000. jjobname .Rggnnnn.

If this is a CAP spawned task, the dataset name, regardless of the specification of an &&DSNAME, will also be: SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000. jjobname .Rggnnnn. In this case, jjobname will be the value of SPAWNPROC in C1DEFLTS.


If CAP is not in use, the resulting name will take the form: modhli .Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0. jjobname . xxxxxxxx , where xxxxxxxx is either an Endevor generated unique field, if no &&DSNAME was coded, or the dsname as specified in the DD statement: //ddname DD DSN=&&DSNAME.

If this is a processor running in a spawned CAP region, the resulting name will take this form: modhli .Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0. jjobname . xxxxxxxx, where nnnnn is the action request region number, and xxxxxxxx is an Endevor generated unique name if no &&DSNAME is coded.


If neither MODHLI is present nor the RACF_TEMPDSN_OPTION=ON option activated, then the operating system rules apply.

If MODHLI is activated and DISP=MOD is coded, or RACF_TEMPDSN_OPTION=ON is activated, the name will take this form: modhli .Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000. jjobname . xxxxxxxx , where xxxxxxxx is either a Endevor generated unique field if no &&DSNAME was coded, or the dsname as specified in the DD statement: //ddname DD DSN=&&DSNAME.


If the MODHLI HLQ length and/or DS_INTERNAL_TEMP=ON leads to a dsname greater then 44 characters in length the resultant dsname will be truncated to 44 characters which
can result in 970C-42CD allocation errors under SMS.

Additional Information

The following table is an example of possible permutations:

Off No No No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobname.Rggnnnn
Off No Yes No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.spawnproc.Rggnnnn
Off No No Yes Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobbname.dsname......
Off No Yes Yes Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.spawnproc.Rggnnnn
Off Yes No No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobname.Rggnnnn
Off Yes Yes No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.spawnproc.Rggnnnn
Off Yes No Yes Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.jjobname.dsname
Off Yes Yes Yes Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.STCyyyyy.dsname
On Yes No No Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.jjobname.xxxxxxxx
On Yes Yes No Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.STCyyyyy.xxxxxxxx
On Yes No Yes Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.jjobname.dsname
On Yes Yes Yes Off modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.STCyyyyy.dsname
On No No No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.jjobname.xxxxxxxx *1
On No Yes No Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.STCyyyyy.xxxxxxxx *1
On No No Yes Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.jjobname.dsname *1
On No Yes Yes Off SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA0.STCyyyyy.dsname *1
On Yes Yes Yes On modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.STCyyyyy.dsname
On Yes Yes No On modhli.Dyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.STCyyyyy.xxxxxxxx
Off No No No On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobname.Rggnnnn
Off No Yes No On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.spawnproc.Rggnnnn
Off No No Yes On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobname.dsname......
On No Yes No On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.STCyyyyy.xxxxxxxx *1
On No No Yes On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.jjobname.dsname...... *1
On No Yes Yes On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.STCyyyyy.dsname....... *1
On No Yes No On SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.STCyyyyy.xxxxxxxx *1
jjobname       : Jobname
Rggnnnn        : Opsys generated 
dsname ......  : dsname as coded, can be followed by qualifier like eg. H02, determined by Opsys 
spawnproc      : SPAWNPROC from C1DEFLTS 
xxxxxxxx       : Endevor generated unique qualifier 
yyyyy          : Action request region number as in ECAP011I message. 
*1             : 970C-42CE Catalog error possible if under SMS control