Sending SYSMDUMP or SYSUDUMP to help resolve CA Easytrieve abend
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Sending SYSMDUMP or SYSUDUMP to help resolve CA Easytrieve abend


Article ID: 52935


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When a dump is requested to help debug an Easytrieve problem, how do I know which kind of dump is best to send?


When requesting a SYSMDUMP, please do not specify SYSOUT=*.
A SYSMDUMP DD statement must reference a disk file, and then that disk file is FTP'd in binary format.
A SYSMDUMP with SYSOUT=* is not the correct format because a SYSMDUMP is an IPCS dump which contains binary data. With the SYSMDUMP goes to SYSOUT=*, it will show the CA Easytrieve program listing followed by many pages of unreadable data. The unreadable data is the SYSMDUMP data being written to SYSOUT=*.

When requesting a SYSUDUMP, this is done using SYSOUT=* because a SYSUDUMP file is a listing file which is a readable text file. SYSUDUMPs are preferable when S0C4 abends are involved.

For some situations, a SYSUDUMP is preferred and in other situations a SYSMDUMP is needed. Please check with the CA Easytrieve Support Team before sending in your dump to [email protected] with the issue number as your subject.


Release: EDBMSU00200-6.4-Easytrieve-Report Generator-Option for DB2-MSU